Thursday, December 27, 2007

This Week’s Comic

Merry Christmas from Luongo Art. We hope you stay with us for an exciting 2008.

Comic on Front page of MAA Newsletter

My comic is on the front page of the Manchester Artists Association’s monthly newsletter and my article about LAFC is on page eight.

Read it Here

Win a DRINK!

Try your hand at Tony’s Tuesday ‘Toon. (Caption Contest)

Come on people. Take a risk it’ll be fun. I drew a comic a few weeks ago (scroll down to see the post) and you need to come up with the caption. Enter a comment below it or e-mail it to me and I will pick a winner and post it next month. I might even buy you a beer or a coffee along with the notoriety or dare I say celebrity status you will obtain because of the tens of thousands of people that read this blog. Well… at least you might get a drink.

Original works of art recently added.

Sale on Commissioned Portraits of People, Pets, or your Home

Monday, December 17, 2007

This Week's Comics

Before you read this weeks comics go to last week and put in a caption for the caption contest. Ok now here is your treat. Enjoy

Two new comics for this week and...

Here is a comic I drew last year. It still makes me laugh.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Art For Sale & Art On Sale

New Original Art For Sale

Sale on Commissioned Portraits of People, Pets, or your Home

Try your hand at Tony’s Tuesday ‘Toon.

I draw a comic you come up with the caption.

Enter a comment below or e-mail it to me and I will pick a winner and post it next month. I might even buy you a beer or a coffee. A drink along with the notoriety or dare I say celebrity status you will obtain because of the tens of thousands of people that read this blog how can you go wrong. Well… at least you might get a drink.

This Week's Comics

If you have seen the news you know that the Pats kicked some @$$, and the Surgeon General is complaining about Santa eating a few too many sweets. WTF. Kinda makes you go bonkers doesn’t it. Santa is bad role model because he’s fat, so the SG says; the models and actresses are bad role models because they’re skinny, (plus other things). What’s a parent to do? Time’s up gotta go. I need to play with my son.